Constitution Vereinigung zur Förderung der Schwingungsmedizin e.V.
Vereinigung zur Förderung der Schwingungsmedizin e.V.
It is the aim of the association to create a forum of experience and information exchange for therapists, patients and persons interested in medicine. In this way, both therapists and patients shall receive information about different diagnosis and therapy procedures, whereby the focus will be on vibrational medicine and related procedures. Taking the research findings and publications of Paul Schmidt as a starting point, the association uses his life’s work as a basis to promote science and research in the field of vibrational medicine and related diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, to provide financial support, and to give everyone access to research findings.
In order to make appropriate use of the results known to date, an active exchange of experiences and ideas with those who apply and develop vibrational medicine, e. g. doctors, natural health professionals and persons interested in the field of medicine, is encouraged.
§ 1 - Name, head office, registration, financial year
1.The association bears the name „Vereinigung zur Förderung der Schwingungsmedizin e.V.“ (Association for the promotion of vibrational medicine).
2.As of 1st April 2003, the head office of the association shall be in 57368 Lennestadt. As of 1st June 2015, the administrative headquarters are located in 57368 Lennestadt, Schönefled 12.
3.The association is registered in the corporation register of the local court in Siegen - VR 4699 – and bears the suffix “e. V.”
4.The financial year corresponds with the calendar year.
§ 2 - Purpose of the association
The association shall solely and directly pursue objectives of public benefit within the meaning of the chapter "tax-exempt objectives" of the regulation of taxation (German fiscal code AO).
The association's purpose is to promote science and research, training and further training in the areas of medicine and healthcare. Emphasis is put on the field of vibrational medicine, but other medical fields and therapeutic procedures are also relevant.
The purpose of the association shall be achieved first and foremost
•by conducting research,
•by awarding research contracts and
•by organising lectures, seminars and symposia and by taking other appropriate measures pertaining to health education.
The following explanations and regulations serve to specify the purpose of the association. The idea of providing health care for everybody is at the heart of this research. The focus lies on research into acute and chronic diseases in all their diversity, starting from their causes. The objective is to be able to offer diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the field of vibrational medicine that were appropriately researched and tested and to offer these especially to chronically ill patients. In this context, the association aims to carry out its own research and to award research contracts. For this reason, awarding and sponsoring research contracts is one of the association’s fundamental objectives.
The managing committee shall decide on awarding and supporting research contracts for external researchers and research teams as well as research teams within the association. To ensure that only those projects which are meaningful are chosen to be supported and to receive an award, a minimum of 75% of the votes of the members of the managing committee has to be secured to authorise the award of the contracts or support.
Regulations regarding the application for the financial support and award of research contracts:
a)Applications for the financial support of research assignments must be addressed in writing to the administrative office of the association. The application must state clearly the re-search objective, the period of time envisaged as well as the total funding required for the project. The amount applied for has to be quantified and justified.
b)The managing committee reserves the right to turn down applications for support while at the same time providing a statement of the relevant reasons.
c)Research results derived from the award and financial support of research contracts are to be submitted to the association for publication in the association’s journal “im+PULS” directly after concluding the research.
d)The award and financial support of a research contract require a contractual agreement that includes at least the aforementioned points.
The association works selflessly; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. This is further explained in the points listed below:
1.The association aims to carry out health education by organising lectures, seminars and symposia and it pursues the objective to serve public healthcare and natural medicine. The association organises congresses on vibrational medicine with the aim to offer a forum for widening and strengthening contacts and for the presentation of the newest developments and research results so that doctors, natural health professionals, researchers and interested persons all over the world get the opportunity to exchange their experience.
2.Other tasks of the association include the publication of existing research results, the dis-semination of specialist literature, the provision of references to recommendable articles of other media as well as the organisation of basic training courses and continuing education courses for medical professionals. The latest research results, practice- and experience re-ports are published via print and electronic media and are made available in this way to members and the public.
3.The association seeks to collaborate with all societies and organisations with shared aims and objectives.
4.The association is politically and denominationally independent.
5.The association’s funds may only be used for the purposes defined in the constitution. Members do not receive remuneration from the association’s funds. No person may benefit from expenditures that are not related to the purpose of the association, or through inap-propriately high remuneration. The committee members work on a voluntary basis. Any costs they may incur are reimbursable against detailed information on the exact use and production of receipts. Travel costs are reimbursable according to the applicable legal pro-visions.
6.The association’s funds may be employed for research purposes intended to evaluate and verify new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. This applies in particular to the ad-vancement of vibrational medicine and other therapy methods that are associated with vi-brational medicine. The association also supports research into combined treatment meth-ods of classical medicine and vibrational medicine. In these cases it is our aim to identify the causes for the development of the disease and to improve the actual healing process as well as to shorten it considerably and to create a scientifically validated aftercare situation.
§ 3 – Membership
The association offers an active membership.
The passive memberships existing until the general meeting in 2017 remain in place. Mem-bers take part in the association’s activities in any form, they may publish experiential re-ports via print or other media, e.g. on the association’s website, and they obtain the same reductions when participating in seminars etc. that were negotiated for members.
1.Membership may be obtained by:
- all natural or legal persons under public or private law,
-organisations and institutions interested in promoting of the aims of the association
-other associations of persons with legal capacity such as as general partnerships or limited partnerships (OHGs or KGs).
2.The prerequisite for the attainment of membership is a written application.
3.The the managing committee decides at its own discretion on the application for member-ship. In the event of an application being refused, the committee is not obliged to inform the applicant of the reasons.
4.Active members who have rendered outstanding services may be appointed as honorary members.
5.Membership entitles all members to receive our journal “im+PULS” free of charge. An-nouncements by the association shall be made through the association’s website. If possible, active members who attend seminars shall be offered discounts on participation fees.
§ 4 - Termination of membership
1.Membership ends by death, deletion from the membership list or withdrawal from the asso-ciation; for legal persons or other legal entities it ends with their dissolution.
2.Withdrawal from the association has to be put to the managing committee in written form. Withdrawals are only possible at the end of a calendar year and subject to a notice period of 6 weeks.
3.A member can be excluded from the association by the managing committee by way of resolution if he or she has not paid his/her contributions for more than 2 months despite re-ceiving written reminders. A member can be excluded from the association if he or she is guilty of culpably and grossly negligently acting contrary to the interests of the association. This resolution is to be substantiated in writing and to be submitted to the member. The member may lodge an appeal against this decision. The next general meeting will come to a decision upon the appeal, acting by a simple majority of the votes. Resolutions of the general meeting are incontestable. Upon termination of membership
there shall be no claim of assets in kind, share in the capital or other shares in the associa-tion’s assets. The only exceptions are contractually secured rights, which must be registered at the latest when the association is dissolved.
§ 5 - Organs of the association
The organs of the association are:
1.The general meeting
2.The managing committee
3.The scientific advisory board
§ 6 – General meeting
1.Every active member has one vote in the general meeting. All present active members are entitled to vote.
2.The general meeting is responsible for the following matters:
a)Receipt of the statement of accounts of the chairperson. The treasurer and the auditor report.
b)Approval of the managing committee
c)Appointment and dismissal of members of the committee and other bodies
d)Authorization of the budget.
e)Resolution on amendments to the constitution
f)Resolution on the appeal against an exclusion decision of the Managing Committee
g)Appointment of honorary members
h)Resolution on motions filed
i)Election of two auditors. The re-election of only one auditor is possible. In that case, the second auditor should be newly elected
j)Resolution on the formation of committees.
3.The ordinary general meeting takes place at least once a year. It must be held by 30 April each year at the latest.
4.The invitation to a general meeting must be sent to the members in writing at least 4 weeks before the day of the meeting, stating the agenda. Decisions on amendments to the consti-tution may only be made if the members have been informed in writing of the previous ver-sion of the text as well as the intended new version stating the reasons for the amendment when the general meeting is convened..
5.An extraordinary general meeting is to be held within 6 weeks if the interests of the associa-tion require it or 1/10 of the members request this in writing, stating the purpose and reasons. The invitation deadlines according to no. 4 apply.
6.Any member may request an addition to the agenda. This must be done in writing and has to be addressed to the managing committee one week before a general meeting at the latest. The chairperson of the meeting must announce the addition at the beginning of the general meeting. Motions for additions to the agenda made at the general meeting can only be accepted with a majority of 2/3 of the votes represented (emergency motion). Amendments to the statutes cannot be dealt with by way of urgency.
7.The general meeting shall decide on applications for additions to the agenda. The general meeting is always quorate. The type of voting is determined by the chairperson of the general meeting. Amendments to the statutes and resolutions are passed by simple majority. A nominal vote or secret ballot is to be carried out if a member demands this. If both are required, a nominal vote is to be taken.
8.The chairperson must be in possession of motions for the extraordinary general meeting at least 2 days before the date of the meeting.
9.The minutes of the meeting must be signed by the chairperson of the meeting as well as the minute taker and must contain:
- Place and time of the meeting
- Name of the chairperson of the meeting and the minute taker
- Number of members present
- Ascertainment of the proper summoning and quorate
- Items on the agenda
- Motions tabled and voting results, the method of voting
- Proposals for amendments to the constitution and its purpose
- Decisions to be recorded verbatim
- Publication of the protocol in the next im+PULS
§ 7 – Managing committee
1.The chairperson, the vice chairperson, the treasurer, and the secretary constitute the man-aging committee.
2.The chairperson or the vice-chairperson, together with one other member of the managing committee, represents the association in and out of court.
3.The managing committee is appointed by resolution of the general meeting for a period of 2 years. It remains in office until the next managing committee is appointed in accordance with the statutes.
4.Legal transactions which establish pecuniary liabilities for the association and exceed an amount of 500.00 € require the approval of the managing committee.
5.Different managing committee offices cannot be combined in one person.
6.The chairperson or, in his/her absence, the vice chairperson shall appoint and chair the meetings of the managing committee and the general meetings.
7.If a member of the managing committee resigns prematurely, the managing committee can appoint a successor who will take over the office provisionally for the remaining term of of-fice of the resigning member until the next general meeting,
8.A meeting of the managing committee with the scientific advisory board shall be convened by the chairperson if at least three members of the managing committee and the scientific advisory board so request.
§ 8 - Responsibilities of the managing committee
The managing committee is responsible for all matters of the association as far as they are not assigned to another organ of the association by the statutes. In particular, it has the following tasks:
a) preparing and convening the general meeting
b) executing resolutions of the general meeting and the managing committee
c) keeping the accounts and preparing and submitting the annual report
d) deciding on the admission and exclusion of members
e) appointing and dismissing of honorary members
f) appointing committee members
g) submitting a statement of accounts at the end of the financial year
h) approving legal transactions that require the approval of the managing committee in ac-cordance with § 7. 6
(i) forming and terminating contracts or contracts for services
j) honouring members
§ 9 - Election and term of office of the managing committee
1.The managing committee, which consists of 4 members, is elected by the general meeting. The managing committee is elected for a period of 2 years. However, only a maximum of 2 committee members should be newly elected on one election date. Thus, for example, the chairperson and the secretary are elected for one year. The following elections will then take place at regular intervals. This has the advantage that not all positions are always up for election and that in case of new appointments at least half of the committee remains in office and, if necessary, new members of the managing committee can be trained. With the termination of membership, the office of a committee member also ends.
2.The managing committee elected at the extraordinary general meeting on 24.08.2002 re-mains in office until the regular general meeting in 2004. From 2004 the following election procedure will apply:
2004 2005 2006
1. Election of the chairperson 1. Election of the vice-chair 1. Election of the chairperson
2. Election of the secretary2. Election of the treasurer 2. Election of the secretary
3.A re-election is permissible.
§ 10 - Meetings and resolutions of the managing committee
1. Meetings of the managing committee are convened by the chairperson or, in case of substi-tution, by his/her deputy. Meetings shall be convened at least one week before the date of the meeting, stating the agenda.
2.In urgent cases, the chairperson or two members of the managing committee may convene an extraordinary meeting with a shorter notice period.
4.The managing committee is quorate if at least three of its members are present. In case of a tie, a motion is rejected.
5.In urgent cases, resolutions may be passed by written procedure if all members of the managing committee agree to the proposed resolution in writing. The documents concerning the passing of resolutions are to be kept as an attachment in the minutes book.
§ 11 – Scientific advisory board
1.The scientific advisory board consists of at least four to a maximum of six persons It shall be elected by the managing committee for a period of three years from the date of election; however, it shall remain in office until a new advisory board is elected. Each member of the advisory board is to be elected individually. Non-association members are also eligible for election. Members of the managing committee cannot be members of the advisory board at the same time. The members of the advisory board shall be experts. Re-election is permis-sible. If a member of the advisory board retires prematurely, the managing committee will elect a substitute member for the remaining term of office of the retired member. The man-aging committee is entitled to dismiss a member of the advisory board for good cause be-fore the end of his or her term of office. This must be done in writing and the important rea-son must be communicated to the member of the advisory board to be dismissed.
2.The advisory board has the task of advising the managing committee in important matters concerning the association and supporting it with its specific expertise. It informs itself in an appropriate manner about the concerns of the members of the association and makes pro-posals to the board for the management.
§ 12 – Membership fees
1.Each member shall pay an annual fee, the amount of which shall be proposed by the man-aging committee and decided upon by the general meeting.
In the year of membership the following applies:
If the member joins before the congress, the entire fee is to be paid,
If the member joins after the congress, half the annual fee is payable.
2.The fee is due in advance - by 30 April each year at the latest.
In the year the membership starts, the fee is payable 3 weeks after receipt of the invoice.
3.In special cases, the managing committee may defer or waive the membership fee.
4.Honorary members are exempt from paying the membership fee.
5.Sliding, discounted fees apply to legal entities, other legally capable associations of persons, organisations and institutions.
§ 13 - Dissolution of the association
1.The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a meeting of the members con-vened especially for this purpose with a majority of 2/3 of the votes cast. The liquidation is carried out by the managing committee.
2.In the event of the dissolution or annulment of the association or if its previous purpose ceases to apply, the assets of the association, which remain after the liquidation has been carried out and all existing obligations of the association have been settled, shall be trans-ferred to a corporate body recognised as a non-profit organisation, which shall use the as-sets of the association directly and exclusively for non-profit purposes in accordance with the association's statutes. This should primarily be the Fördergemeinschaft für Erfahrungsheilkunde e.V. Dr. Veronika Carstens, Am Michelshof 6, 53177 Bonn, Germany, which is recognized as a non-profit organization and which is to use the assets for the pro-motion of and research in the field of empirical medicine. In case the a.m. non-profit corpo-rate body no longer exists at that time, the managing board carrying out the liquidation is authorised to decide on the further use of the association's assets in the sense of the above regulations. The future decision on the use of the association's assets in the event of the dissolution or annulment of the association or the discontinuation of its previous purpose may only be implemented after the consent of the responsible tax office has been obtained.
§ 14 - Authorisation of the Management Board
The Managing committee is authorised to decide on any amendments to the wording of the constitution deemed necessary by the Court of Registration without calling a new General Meeting and to amend this constitution accordingly.
Translated from the German version which is legally binding.